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(1) 王以松,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),基于消解证明的不完全知识推理可解释性研究及应用, 62376066,2024~2027, 49.0万元,主持

(2) 王以松,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),析取逻辑程序归纳学习研究及应用,61976065 , 2020~2023 , 61.0万元,主持

(3) 王以松,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),不完全知识的遗忘理论研究及应用,61370161 ,2014~2017, 70.0万元,主持

(4) 王以松,国家自然科学基金(地区科学基金项目),带函数的回答集程序设计研究与实现,60963009 ,2010~2012, 20.0万元,主持

(5) 许道云. d-正则命题公式的可满足问题研究(地区科学基金项目), 2018-2021. 43.0万元,主持

(6) 许道云. 带正则结构的命题公式的可满足性问题研究(地区科学基金项目), 2013-2017, 46.0万元,主持

(7) 许道云. 命题公式有效推理的特殊变元集及算法研究(地区科学基金项目), 2009-2012, 26.0万元,主持.

(8) 许道云. 不可满足公式的结构以及证明方法的研究(地区科学基金项目), 2005-2008, 22.0万元,主持

(9) 陈笑蓉. 基于最大公共子图的谱聚类算法在文本聚类中的应用研究(地区科学基金项目),2014-2017, 43.0万元,主持

(10) 杨静. 基于rCOS的形式化方法需求分析与验证(地区科学基金项目), 2016-2019, 39.0万元,主持

(11) 秦进. 基于增强学习的动态优化问题模型及算法研究,国家自然科学基金(地区科学基金项目), 2016-2019,36万元,主持 。

(12) 黄初华,国家自然科学基金,面向视觉SLAM可调参数智能体的异质图构建研究,62162007,2022/01-2025/12,36万元,在研,主持;

(13) 胡滨,国家自然科学基金,基于蝗虫视觉神经的人群活动检测关键技术研究及应用,62066006,2021~2024, 36.0万元,主持.

(14) 黄初华,贵州省自然科学基金,视觉SLAM 泛隐私区域的图像掩膜智能体构建研究,黔科合基础[2024],2024/01-2026/12,10万元,在研,主持。

(15) 黄初华,贵州省自然科学基金,面向移动增强现实的虚实对象共享现实空间关键技术研究,黔科合基础[2019]1088,2019/01-2021/12,10万元,结题,主持。

(16) 黄初华,贵州省自然科学基金,实物档案三维数字化关键技术研究与示范应用,黔科合 LH 字 [2014]7639,2014/03-2016/03,7万元,结题,主持。

(17) 黄初华,贵州省自然科学基金,非物质文化遗产-民族舞蹈的三维动态场景重建研究,黔科合J字[2013]2094号,2013/03-2016/03,3.7万元,结题,主持。



(1) Mingyi Zhang, Yisong Wang. Default logic and answer set programs. Science Press. 2023. (In Chinese, 张明义,王以松.缺省逻辑与回答集程序. 科学出版社, 2023.)

(2) Yisong Wang, Hong Liu, Ying Zhang, Mingyi Zhang, Danning Li, Jiajia Yang.What's new in the evolution of propositional knowledge bases?Journal of Guizhou University (Natural Sciences), Vol. 41, No. 1, 2024, 1-19

(3) Xiaomin Yu, Yisong Wang*, Jin Qin, Panfeng Chen: A Q-Based Policy Gradient Optimization Approach for Doudizhu.Applied Intelligence, 2023, 53, 15372–15389

(4) Yisong Wang, Thomas Eiter, Yuanlin Zhang, Fangzhen Lin: Witnesses for Answer Sets of Logic Programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2023, 24(2), 1-46. Supplementary Material, Research Reports

(5) Lei Yang, Yisong Wang*, Hongbo Hu, Renyan Feng and Jun Liu: Fuzzy Multi-Context Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2023, 31(3), 745-759.

(6) Renyan Feng, Yisong Wang*, Ren Qian, Lei Yang, Panfeng Chen: Knowledge Forgetting in Propositional µ-calculus. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 91, 1-43, 2023.

(7) Renyan Feng,Erman Acar*, Yisong Wang*, Wanwei Liu, Stefan Schlobach, Weiping Ding*: Computing Sufficient and Necessary Conditions in CTL: A Forgetting Approach. Information Science, Volume 616, 2022, Pages 474-504.

(8) Panfeng Chen, Yisong Wang*, Xiaomin Yu, Renyan Feng: QLogicE: Quantum Logic Empowered Embedding for Knowledge Graph Completion. Knowledge Based System, 239: 107963 (2022)

(9) Li Zhang, Yisong Wang*, Zhongtao Xie, Renyan Feng: Computing Propositional Minimal Models: MiniSAT-Based Approaches. Journal of Computer Research and Development (In Chinese, 张丽,王以松*,谢仲涛,冯仁艳.基于MiniSAT的命题极小模型计算方法[J].计算机研究与发展,2021,58(11):2515-2523.)

(10) Yi Huang, Yisong Wang*, Jia-Huai You, Mingyi Zhang, Ying Zhang: Learning Disjunctive Logic Programs from Nondeterministic Interpretation Transitions. New Generation Computing, 39(1): 273-301 (2021).

(11) Panfeng Chen, Yisong Wang*, Quan Yu, Yi Fan, Renyan Feng: Hamming Distance Encoding Multihop Relation Knowledge Graph Completion. IEEE Access, v8, 117146-117158, 2020.

(12) CHEN Shi-Ming, WANG Yi-Song*: A Robust Off-line Writer Identification Method. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA. 46(01),105-113, 2020. (In chinese, 陈使明,王以松*. 一种鲁棒的离线笔迹鉴别方法,自动化学报, 46(01), 105-113, 2020).

(13) Shiming Chen, Yisong Wang*, Chin-Teng Lin, Weiping Ding, Zehong Cao*: Semi-supervised Feature Learning For Improving Writer Identification. Information Science, v482, 156-170, 2019.

(14) Yisong Wang, Yan Zhang, Yi Zhou, Mingyi Zhang: Knowledge Forgetting in Answer Set Programming. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 50: 31-70 (2014)

(15) Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li Yan Yuan, Yi-Dong Shen and Mingyi Zhang. The loop formula based semantics of description logic programs. Theoretical Computer Science. 415 (2012), 60-85.

(16) Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You,Fangzhen Lin, Li-Yan Yuan, Mingyi Zhang. 2011. Weight constraint programs with evaluable functions. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 60(3) (2011), 341-380.

(17) Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, Yi-Dong Shen. 2010. Loop Formulas for Description Logic Programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Volume 10, special issue (4-6):531-545.

(18) Yisong Wang, Mingyi Zhang, Jia-Huai You. 2009. Logic Programs, Compatibility and Forward Chaining Construction. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 24(6): 1125-1137.

(19) Yisong Wang, Mingyi Zhang and Yuping Shen. 2007. Consistency property of finite FC-normal logic programs. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 22(4):554-561.

(20) Renyan Feng, Erman Acar*, Stefan Schlobach, Yisong Wang* and Wanwei Liu: On Sufficient and Necessary Conditions in Bounded CTL: A Forgetting Approach. The 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning September 12-18, 2020 - Rhodes, Greece, 361-370, 2020.

(21) Yisong Wang, Hong Liu, Ying Zhang, Mingyi Zhang and Danning Li: Logical Difference of Propositional Theories. The 13th International FLINS Conference on Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support. 798-805, 2018.

(22) Renyan Feng, Yisong Wang*, Panfeng Chen and Jincheng Zhou: Strongest Necessary and Weakest Sufficient Conditions in S5. The 13th International FLINS Conference on Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support. 832-839, 2018.

(23) Cuixia Li Yisong Wang*, Renyan Feng, Qianqian Li: Loop Formulas for Alog Answer Set Programs. 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. 38-42, 2017.

(24) Hong LIU, Ren-yan FENG, Xu WANG and Yi-song WANG*: The Logical Difference Between Propositional Horn Theories. The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Techniques and Applications (AITA2017), 183-187, 2017.

(25) Renyan Feng, Qianqian Li, Zhenpeng Zhang, Yisong Wang*: A new descriptive method for Gripper planning. 2017 9th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, 239-242, 2017.

(26) Yi Huang, Yisong Wang*, Ying Zhang, Mingyi Zhang: Learning Disjunctive Logic Programs from Interpretation Transition. The 26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2016), 34-40. (Best student paper)

(27) Yisong Wang, Xu Wang, Yi Huang: Learning Datalog Programs from Input and Output. The 26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2016), 81-87.

(28) Jianmin Ji, Jia-Huai You, Yisong Wang*: On Forgetting Postulates in Answer Set Programming. IJCAI 2015, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 3076-3083

(29) Yisong Wang, Kewen Wang, Zhe Wang, Zhiqiang Zhuang: Knowledge Forgetting in Circumscription: A Preliminary Report. AAAI 2015, Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 1649-1655.

(30) Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Mingyi Zhang: Embedding Functions into Disjunctive Logic Programs. Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2013 - 10th International Colloquium, 355-372, 2013: 543-555.

(31) Yisong Wang, Kewen Wang, Mingyi Zhang: Forgetting for Answer Set Programs Revisited. IJCAI 2013, Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1162-1168.

(32) Yisong Wang, Zhiqiang Zhuang, Kewen Wang: Belief Change in Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 12th International Conference, LPNMR 2013: 543-555.

(33) Yisong Wang, Thomas Eiter, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, Yi-Dong Shen: Eliminating Nonmonotonic DL-Atoms in Description Logic Programs. Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 7th International Conference, RR 2013: 168-182.

(34) Sebastian Binnewies, Yisong Wang, Bela Stantic, Kewen Wang: Rule Revision in Normal DL Logic Programs. Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 7th International Conference, RR 2013: 204-209.

(35) Yisong Wang, Fangzhen Lin and Mingyi Zhang. A Well-founded Semantics for Basic Logic Programs with Arbitrary Abstract Constraint Atoms. Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), 835-841.

(36) Yisong Wang, Yan Zhang, Yi Zhou and Mingyi Zhang. Forgetting in Logic Programs under Strong Equivalence. The 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2012), Rome, Italy. 2012: 643-647.

(37) Yisong Wang and Mingyi Zhang. Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories. Applied Informatics and Communication: International Conference, ICAIC 2011, Xi'an China, 2011: 655-661.

(38) Yisong Wang, Ying Zhang and Mingyi Zhang. Constructing First-order Loops of Normal Logic Programs. Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), Shanghai,China. 2011: 358-362.

(39) Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, and Mingyi Zhang. 2009. Weight Constraint Programs with Functions. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 329-341, Potsdam, Germany, LNCS 5753.

(40) Fangzhen Lin and Yisong Wang. 2008. Answer set programming with functions. In Proceedings of Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 454-464. Sydney, Australia: AAAI Press.

(41) Yisong Wang and Xinqiang Ma. 2008. Some results on order consistent logic program. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, volume 5, 557-561. Jinan, Shandong, China: IEEE Computer Society.

(42) Chen Yin; Fangzhen Lin; Yisong Wang and Mingyi Zhang. 2006. First-order loop formulas for normal logic programs. In Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 298-307. Lake District of the United Kingdom: AAAI Press. (Ray Reiter Best paper)

(43) Yisong Wang and Mingyi Zhang. 2004. Revision programs with explicit negation. In Proceedings of The First International Colloquium of Theoretical Aspects of Computing, volume 3407/2005 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 403-414. Guiyang, China: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.

(44) Qin, Jin; Huang, Chuhua; Luo, Yuan ; Adaptive multi-swarm in dynamic environments, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2021, 63(63): 1-11

(45) Jin Qin; Xin Li; Yixin Yin ; An algorithmic framework of discrete particle swarm optimization, Applied Soft Computing, 2012, 12(3): 1125-1130

(46) Qin, Jin; Liang, Zhenjun ; A naive particle swarm optimization, 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012, Australia, 2012-6-10至2012-6-15

(47) ZhenFeng Zhang, ChuHua Huang*, RenJing Huang, YaNan Li and YiFan ChenIllu-NASNet: Unsupervised Illumination Estimation Based on Dense Spatio-temporal Smoothness,2023, Multimedia Systems.

(48) Wenfei Gao , Chuhua Huang,* Yao Xiao, and Xin Huang;Parameter adaptive of visual SLAM based on DDPG, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2023, 32(5), 053027-1- 053027-12.

(49) Hu Cui, Hu Cui, Renjing Huang, Ruoyu Zhang, Chuhua Huang*, LGST-Drop: label-guided structural dropout for spatial-temporal convolutional neural networks [J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2022, 31(3), 033036-1-033036-17.

(50) Ya-Nan Li, Zhen-Feng Zhang, Yi-Fan Chen, Chu-Hua Huang*. Feature Fusion Method for Low-Illumination Images [J], Journal of computers, 2022, 33(6).

(51) Bin Hu, Shigang Yue, Zhuhong Zhang. A rotational motion perception neural network based on asymmetric spatiotemporal visual information processing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2017, 28(11): 2803-2821.

(52) Bin Hu, Zhuhong Zhang. Bio-plausible visual neural network for spatio-temporally spiral motion perception[J]. Neurocomputing, 2018, 310: 96-114.

(53) Bin Hu, Zhuhong Zhang. Bio-inspired visual neural network on spatio-temporal depth rotation perception[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021, 33(16): 10351-10370.